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Ocean View Preparatory Prechool (née Pleasant View)

Facility Condition Assessment Summary

Generally, the property appears to have been constructed within industry standards in force at the time of construction. The property appears to have been well maintained in recent years and is in fair overall condition.

According to property management personnel, the property has had a limited capital improvement expenditure program over the past three years, primarily consisting of new carpeting, interior painting, and roof finish replacement. Supporting documentation was not provided in support of these claims but some of the work is evident.

Spatial Quality Assessment Summary

Pleasant View/OVPP is one of two of OVSD’s preschools. The school is also host to specialized learning for SDC children of preschool age as well as speech and hearing assessment and resources. The school currenty houses three general education or preschool preparatory classes. School site has tremendous opportunity to exceed meeting the needs of specialized learners but serious attention is needed to spruce up and address the inadequate school housing.