- academic achievement
- The outcome of education, or the extent to which a student, teacher or institution has achieved their educational goals. [source]
- academic performance
- See academic achievement.
- Academic Performance Index
- A measurement of academic performance and progress of individual schools in California. [source]
- accessibility
- The quality of a space or program such that it does not discriminate against persons with disabilities.
- achievement gap
- The observed, persistent disparity of educational measures between the performance of groups of students, especially groups defined by socioeconomic status (SES), race/ethnicity and gender. [source]
- aggregated data
- Data that have been combined from some or all subgroups.
- alignment
- The degree to which the components of an education system (such as standards, curricula, assessments, and instruction) work together to achieve desired goals. [source]
- See Academic Performance Index.
- assessment
- See facility assessment.
- Average Daily Attendance
- The total days of student attendance divided by the total days of instruction. [source]
- Board of Education
- See Board of Trustees.
- Board of Trustees
- The governing administrative body for the District.
- campus
- Campus Report Card
- A summary of each assessment category and its relationship to the Core Values of the District.
- Community and Parent Input Session
- Comprehensive Master Plan Document
- contingency
- The estimated costs of the “known-unknowns” (mostly undefined items that are known to the cost estimator based on past experience but with uncertainty regarding amounts). [source]
- Core Values
- The “guiding principles” at the heart of the District.
- See Community and Parent Input Session.
- curriculum
- The totality of student experiences that occur in the educational process, especially a planned sequence of instruction. [source]
- demographics
- The statistical data of a population, especially those showing average age, income, education, etc. [source]
- design team
- Educational planners, architects, designers, and other education-related professionals led by DLR Group.
- diagram
- A simplified drawing or schematic representation showing the appearance, structure, workings, or underlying concept of a design
- differentiated instruction
- The process of
“ensuring that what a student learns, how he or she learns it, and how the student demonstrates what he or she has learned is a match for that student’s readiness level, interests, and preferred mode of learning.”
—Carol Ann Tomlinson (as cited by Ellis, Gable, Greg, & Rock, 2008, p. 32) [source]
- differentiated learning
- See differentiated instruction.
- disaggregated
- Data that have been separated into various subgroups for comparison.
- District
- Ocean View School District of Orange County.
- Division of the State Architect
- A branch of the California Department of General Services that oversees public school construction, including modernizations.
- DLR Group
- A global planning, engineering and architecture design firm.
- See Division of the State Architect.
- edspec
- See educational specification.
- education
- The process of facilitating learning, or the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs, and habits. [source]
- educational adequacy
- The concept that education is provided in a way that ensures it is sufficient to meet pre-determined objectives in a potentially unequal way that can address issues specific to a given community or facility.
- educational equity
- The concept that education is provided in a way that ensures it follows the same standards/rules in an equal way that cannot address issues specific to a given community or facility.
- educational specification
- Specific and detailed information that defines the type and size of various spaces required to complement educational delivery and to provide both consistency site-specific flexibility among similar project types throughout the District.
- elementary school
- an educational facility serving students in Kindergarten and grades 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.
- enrollment
- A count of the students enrolled in each school, which may vary from the Average Daily Attendance. [source]
- escalation
- The cost or price of specific goods or services in a given economy over a given period, similar to inflation but primarily driven by changes in technology, practices, and supply-demand imbalances specific to a good or service in a given economy. [source]
- Facilities Master Plan
- fff
- Facilities Planning Group
- A committee established as the interface between the design team and the District in the development of the Facilities Master Plan.
- facility
- facility assessment
- Facility Condition Index
- See Facility Condition Index.
- See Facilities Master Plan.
- See Facilities Planning Group.
- general obligation bonds
- Guiding Principles
- See Core Values.
- heating, ventilation and air-conditioning
- Mechanical systems, typically involving movement of air, for purposes of providing warmth, cooling, and/or fresh air to building occupants.
- See heating, ventilation and air-conditioning.
- immediate needs
- implementation plan
- improvement
- inclusion
- An approach to educating students with special educational needs in which such students spend most or all of their time with non-disabled students, recognizing the child’s right to participate and the school’s duty to accept the child. [source]
- j
- K-5
- Kindergarten through grade 5.
- K-6
- Kindergarten through grade 6.
- K-8
- Kindergarten through grade 8.
- K-12
- Kindergarten through grade 12.
- See Local Control Funding Formula.
- See Local Education Agency.
- Local Control Funding Formula
- A State-level finance system for K-12 that establishes base, supplemental, and concentration grants in place of the myriad of previously existing K–12 funding streams. [source]
- Local Education Agency
- A public board of education or other public authority within a state that maintains administrative control of public elementary or secondary schools in a city, county, township, school district, or other political subdivision of a state. [source]
- long-term needs
- lll
- longitudinal data
- Data that track the same sample at different points in time; in contrast to repeated cross-sectional data, logitudinal data allow for the measurement of within-sample change over time. [source]
- mainstreaming
- See inclusion.
- master plan
- A diagram of needs, priorities and quantities for each site developed from information gathered from community outreach, facility assessments, and guidance from the District.
- master planning
- mid-term needs
- middle school
- An educational facility serving students in grades 6, 7 and 8.
- modernization
- needs
- next-generation learning
- See 21st Century learning.
- Office of Public School Construction
- A part of the Department of General Services that serves as staff to the State Allocation Board to implement and administer California’s voter-approved school facilities construction program. [source]
- opportunity to learn
- A way of measuring and reporting whether students and teachers have access to the different ingredients that make up quality schools, including qualified teachers, clean and safe facilities, up-to-date books and quality learning materials, high quality coursework, and school conditions that provide students a fair and equal opportunity to learn and achieve knowledge and skills. [source]
- See Office of Public School Construction.
- preschool
- An educational facility serving students prior to enrollment in Kindergarten.
- priority
- probable costs
- project
- q
- See Replacement Cost Index.
- repair
- replacement
- Replacement Cost Index
- The sums of the expected costs for repairs, modernizations, and new construction, weighed against the replacement value of each facility.
- See State Allocation Board.
- short-term needs
- site
- site committee
- A committee comprised of the site principal, office staff, primary and intermediate teachers, and PTA representatives for each school established to gain a thorough understanding of each campus.
- State Allocation Board
- A State-level board omprised of the Director of Finance (the traditional chair), the Director of the Department of General Services, the Superintendent of Public Instruction, three members of the Senate, three members of the Assembly, and one appointee by the Governor. The SAB meets monthly to apportion funds to the school districts, act on appeals, and adopt policies and regulations. [source]
- An educational policy and curriculum choice that adds art and design to the STEM concept, creating “Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics” in recognition of the essential role that art and design play in fostering the creative side of innovation. [source 1/source 2]
- An educational policy and curriculum choice that focuses on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics to improve competitiveness in science and technology development. [source]
- t
- u
- v
- w
- x
- Y
- Z
- 21st Century Learning
- Instruction that emphasizes a broad set of cross-disciplinary knowledge, skills, work habits, and character traits believed to be critically important to success both in the world of today and the world of tomorrow. [soruce]