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Sun View Elementary School

7721 Juliette Low Drive
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

About the Name

Built after Star View, it may have carried on the celestial theme. It is a “pod” school like Circle View with the same educational philosophy that was in vogue for that period in time.

Understanding the Master Plan Diagram

The Master Plan for this site is a diagram of needs, priorities and quantities. The goal of each Master Plan is to quantify these priorities and their associated cost. This Master Plan diagram should not be interpreted as a “design solution” for the campus. Read more about Master Plans.

Vital Statistics

Year Built: 1964 (original)
1990 (portables)
1997 (portables)
1999 (portables)
2000 (portables)
2015 (restroom renovation)
Site Area: 13.40 AC
583,704 SF
279 students Building Area: 33,238 GSF
Student Density
(SF per student)
2,092 (site)
119.1 (building)
Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.)
(building area ÷ site area)