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Oak View Elementary School

17241 Oak Lane
Huntington Beach, CA 92647

About the Name

This school was named for the street in front of the school, Oak Lane.

Understanding the Master Plan Diagram

The Master Plan for this site is a diagram of needs, priorities and quantities. The goal of each Master Plan is to quantify these priorities and their associated cost. This Master Plan diagram should not be interpreted as a “design solution” for the campus. Read more about Master Plans.

Vital Statistics

Year Built: 1967 (original)
2015 (renovation)
Site Area: 11.0 AC
479,160 SF
668 students Building Area: 55,493 GSF
Student Density
(SF per student)
717 (site)
83.1 (building)
Floor Area Ratio (F.A.R.)
(building area ÷ site area)