Community Outreach

Phase 3 of the Master Planning Process

Input Session at Marine View Middle School

Process OverviewBack to Top

The community outreach process centered around four Community and Parent Input Sessions at each of the District’s Middle Schools. Invitations were sent to the attendance areas of each school, published in the school newsletters, posted on the school’s website, and featured on the school’s digital signs. Personal invitations were mailed to residents in the surrounding neighborhoods. The goal was to reach as many community members as possible and invite them to participate in crafting the vision for the future.

The District established “site committees” comprised of the site principal, office staff, primary and intermediate teachers, and PTA representatives for each school in order to gain a thorough understanding of each campus. All of the site committee input meetings were completed prior to the Community and Parent Input Sessions. A common understanding of the master planning process was gained, and the format and goals of the site committee meetings were established.

An on-line questionnaire was placed on the District Website and each campus website for further reach and input from students, staff, and the community to solicit responses to the master planning efforts.

Input Session at Vista View Middle School

Site Committees Back to Top

The District established “site committees” comprised of the site principal, office staff, primary and intermediate teachers, and PTA representatives for each school in order to gain a thorough understanding of each campus. A common understanding of the master planning process was gained, and the format and goals of the site committee meetings were established. Each school’s principal assisted DLR Group in leading the site committee meetings and tours of his or her campus.

The site committee input meetings, organized as working sessions, allowed each participant to voice their concerns on any aspect of their campuses. More importantly, these site committee meetings began to establish the vision for what would eventually become the educational specifications for the District and the future master plan for each specific campus.

Follow the relevant link below to jump to the desired Site Committee member list, or see all of them.

Input Session at Spring View Middle School

Community & Parent Input Sessions Back to Top

Each community forum began with Superintendent Dr. Carol Hansen defining the Board of Education’s vision for the future of the District, which set the tone for the workshops to craft the school’s vision. Following the superintendent was a message from the Board of Education president, Gina Clayton-Tarvin. DLR Group explained the Master Planning process and how the elements of the process fit together as well as video and images of what 21st Century learning looks like.

The community and parent input session attendees were then organized into smaller participation groups representing the elementary feeder schools and the hosting middle school, with a representative from the site committee acting as the forum facilitator. A 45-minute “brainstorming” session was conducted where the ideas, concerns, and visions brought up were documented and discussed. At the conclusion of the break-out sessions, an exercise was performed where each forum member was asked to place a sticker on five of the issues they individually deemed most important. Each team then presented their findings to the entire group at the close of the brainstorming session.

As these sessions drew to a close, another questionnaire was given to each attendee, and they were invited to write any additional issues or visions they may have that did not materialize in the group sessions. All of this information was then compiled with the site committee’s input to help establish the priorities at each school site.

A one-on-one meeting was held with each principal following the community forums so that a consensus could be reached on the priorities for that campus. DLR Group also utilized these meetings to review the proposed master plans for each campus and to make modifications as needed.

  1. Community & Parent Input Session #1 (Spring View MS; May 11, 2016)
  2. Community & Parent Input Session #2 (Mesa View MS; May 18, 2016)
  3. Community & Parent Input Session #3 (Marine View MS; May 25, 2016)
  4. Community & Parent Input Session #4 (Vista View MS; June 1, 2016)

Input Session at Marine View Middle School

Campus Priorities Back to Top

Priorities for each campus were developed based on site committee meetings and the Community and Parent Input Sessions. Follow the links below to view the priorities for each campus.

Screen capture of the Community Facilities Questionnaire

Community Facilities Questionnaire Back to Top

A tri-lingual, on-line questionnaire to solicit responses to the master planning efforts was placed on the District Website for further reach and input from students, staff, and the community. The questionnaire garnered over 500 responses to fifteen questions that asked members of the District’s community to rank given statements about the design and use of current and future school facilities.